It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything on my blog and it’s because I have been totally immersed in The Odin Project, my web development class. It turned out that I had all kinds of bugs on my calculator project and really had to start from scratch. The calculator project was, by far, the most difficult programming exercise I have ever encountered. The hardest part was coming up with most of the combinations and permutations of data that a user would use on the calculator. That was so hard that it caused me to start over several times because my code became unwieldy. Finally, I got everything plumbed and working. I decided not to do the extra credit parts because I’ve spent entirely too much time on this and it’s time to move on and forward.
I’ve been so immersed in my studies that I’ve completely missed all that’s going on in the world and I guess that’s a good thing. My mental health has been all over the place from elation at getting close to solving the programming problem to despair at figuring out another bug. Since I guess I finally solved it last night, I slept really deeply. I forgot to mute my phone and it dinged several times but did not wake me up. I must’ve needed it.
In other news, I found out from Social Security that my application for expedited reinstatement of my Social Security Disability Insurance was approved and I will no longer have to worry about losing benefits once the provisional time period ends. I am in good shape in that respect. Now all I have to do is wait for Medicare to do its thing to reinstate me so that I can go get my annual physical as well as the overdue colonoscopy that needs doing.
After Medicare gets fully reinstated, I will connect with a therapist and start getting the therapy that I badly need. I mean badly need! The antidepressants only take me so far out of the hole that depression is. The rest is accomplished through talk therapy. I might spend a little while today on and do some research. I need to find a therapist that treats PTSD, Autism, Major Depressive Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. If there is treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, I’ll take that as well for $500 bucks.
Today I’ll keep plugging away on Odin. After a lot of thought and consideration, I am going to take the Ruby on Rails pathway of learning instead of continuing with pure JavaScript. I like the rapid application development feature of Ruby on Rails and I see a lot of large corporations using it. Plus, I hear it is coming back en vogue now. At least the Ruby path, includes some JavaScript and React for the front end stuff so I’ll have a nice set of skills should I meet with continued success.