Black Cat Blog

Thoughts, Stories, and Ideas

Efforts In Vain Today

Today learning just is not going to happen. I cannot seem to muster the focus necessary to engage in any learning even though it is a topic that I am very interested in, i.e. Linux. I am finding myself reading the same paragraph over and over. When that happens, it’s best just to put the activity aside and do something else. In some ways, I am disappointed because I know that learning is a natural antidepressant for me but I am just going to become increasingly frustrated by trying to force myself into doing something that’s just not going to work today.

I did not sleep so well. I was up at 4:00am so I went through my JavaScript code for the calculator and cleaned it up so that it looks better and commented it appropriately so if I go back to it, I’ll know what I did. I also fixed a problem with a mock-up landing page where parts of the content were not wrapping properly when viewing from a smaller screen. At least I got that done and am happy about that.

If anything, I have inherited my maternal grandfather’s stubbornness. I am a very stubborn person and do not give up easily. This is evidenced in the fact that I am still thinking about learning to code but instead of going the Ruby on Rails path, I am going to try the route of JavaScript and NodeJS. I feel pretty comfortable with the JavaScript syntax and I’ve met with some success using it so maybe this will be the better choice. Ruby was difficult for me to get my head wrapped around. Perhaps it’s because I’ve had C and C++ courses that JavaScript makes sense? I don’t know.

Anyhow, the next section of Odin is not JS one but intermediate HTML and CSS so gears are being shifted. I’ll see how this goes and if this path still is fraught with difficulty, I’ll put Odin to bed … permanently. Again, I am really stubborn and don’t quit easily; perhaps when I really should. Hell, it took me 10 years to downgrade my Commercial Driver’s License back to a regular one when truck driving did not work out. I laugh a little bit about that one. Still, there is one life’s experience I can say that I’ve had: I drove a tractor trailer.

Well, since learning is not going to happen today and I am tired beyond all reason, I am going to lay down and read my novel until I fall asleep. Today I need to be more feline like than usual. I might try picking up learning again this afternoon or this evening but certainly not at the moment.