Black Cat Blog

Thoughts, Stories, and Ideas

I Am Angry

This morning I am furious! First a little background before I state why. My new girlfriend, Denisse, is presently in a difficult living situation; difficult is an understatement at that. She is currently staying in a motel with a roommate who is, at best, very unstable; possibly suffering from Anti-Social Personality Disorder with Malignant Narcissism. Well, a couple of days ago this person accused Denisse of stealing and I think it’s plain that she did not. This roommate of hers is very unstable. Fast forward to today and I find out from Denisse that she has been kicked out of the room despite having paid her share for the coming week.

So I am absolutely livid and it’s starting to affect my mental health because I am growing to really care for her. Originally, I was supposed to go up and visit her on Wednesday of next week to enjoy a carefree mini-vacation with her and now this might not happen. I might have to go up to get her, bring her to Delaware, and get her situated in a weekly rate motel. Men have so mistreated and abused her. I am going to be the guy that treats her well.

Gosh I am so angry that I’m just quiet. When I become really angry I get super quiet and enunciate my words. I’m at this point. How people can be so cruel and heartless? And then life in the United States seems to punish people for struggling. Nobody cares and both sides of the political isle pander to the billionaire class. The billionaire class does nothing to help and continue to squeeze money from us. Nobody should live under homelessness or the threat thereof! It just plain old should not be a thing yet it is.

None of the politicians want to address the white elephants in the room: homelessness, billionaire greed, healthcare, housing instability, livable wage, etc. The United States is a failed nation, a nation that cannot and will not take care of some of its own most vulnerable citizens. Instead it’s up to the people with the least amount to give, giving the most. Billionaires could do a lot to improve the lives of 10s of millions of people and still be wealthy many times over yet do not. To the Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezo’s of this country: Fuck you from the pit of my stomach.