Black Cat Blog

Thoughts, Stories, and Ideas

Last Night Was Tough

Last night was one of the rare nights that I had breakthrough PTSD dreams. Unfortunately, the medication, Clonodine, isn’t quite perfect about blocking the nightmares but it is good about 95% of the time. Last night, I had the breakthrough nightmares and they were intense. It was so bad I was awake at 3:30 and struggled to get back to sleep. I awoke with my heart pounding.

I think today I am going to allow myself a nap as I will probably need one. Despite the lack of sleep, I am feeling otherwise okay. It’s so nice to care again for someone and be cared about. Denisse has really lifted my mood overall, not to mention that I am feeling my libido returning. I was concerned that I might have had a medical problem but it turns out depression kind of quashes libido. I am still fighting depression but it’s thankfully not as severe as it was.

So what am I going to do today? I am going to see if I have enough energy to concentrate on doing a little bit of studying Red Hat material and a little bit of my Udemy WordPress class. I think I’ll start the class over again because I don’t remember any of it. When I started the class, my information retention wasn’t great. I think I also have some forms to fill out for therapy tomorrow morning. I also need to follow-up with DART Paratransit because I don’t have the Zoom link for my application for services interview.