Black Cat Blog

Thoughts, Stories, and Ideas

Starting On My Book

I finally have enough concentration to begin to seriously tackle the book that I want to write. I have a rough outline and brainstorm document. The next step for me is to actually sit down and start writing. I decided to begin by journaling a little and getting the brain going. The book is going to be a technical one with the working title, Systems Engineering By Example. The book is geared towards a beginning to intermediate systems admins that are interested in learning by example as I found I learned best that way.

The book uses a fictitious company that tracks growth from being a small, fledgling startup to the point of becoming a small to medium sized enterprise. The early chapters focus on the basics and things begin to get more complex as the needs of the business grow. In the early stages of the business, the chapters will focus on just basic systems like email, website, and very basic collaboration. The subsequent chapters will build on one another, steadily getting more advanced as the needs of the business grow.

My initial goal is to simply write 2-3 pages per day. If I can write more, so be it. Maybe early on my goal should be just write and see what I come up with? This is exciting to me because I finally have the concentration to be able to think about doing this in all seriousness. I would love to be able to find a publisher that would be interested in the book but that’s putting the cart way before the horse.