Black Cat Blog

Thoughts, Stories, and Ideas

Category: Personal

  • Struggling Today

    I don’t know why but I am really struggling today. I just cannot seem to be able to start anything or get anything done. I really want to be able to make progress on my Red Hat Certification studies but it’s just not happening. I am reading the same paragraph over and over and that’s…

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  • Today’s Goal

    Today’s goal is to make more head way on my Red Hat RHCSA certification. Lately, I’ve been falling behind and have been really distracted. Also, my information retention has not been great so I am going to have to back a chapter or two in my study guide and maybe slow down to practice more.…

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  • Beginnings Of Love

    I am in the very beginnings of love and how much this has cheered me up. Now I know what I am feeling is love. I’ve forgotten how much fun new love is and how good it feels. In fact, I decided to get Denisse a little gift because I know she is in a…

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  • I Think I Am In Love

    So I think I have probably found love again. It’s been a very long time but I think I am in love with Denisse, the girl that I was connected with through my friend Jim. I’ve grown to really care for her even though I haven’t met her in real life. She’s pretty much what…

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  • Helping A Friend

    Today I am going to be helping a friend build a ramp for his shed. I am looking forward to the activity and getting out of the house. Mostly I am looking forward to spending time with my friend. We have to build the supports as well as paint them with a sealant to prevent…

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  • Tired Today

    As the title read, I am quite tired today. I didn’t sleep through the night. I was up at 1:00 and fell back to sleep at 3:00, only to wake up at 6:30. Hopefully some coffee from Dunks and a decent breakfast gets me charged up and going. Now I need to think about what…

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  • Finished The 2 Day Job

    I completed the two day marketing research job today and it feels good to have gotten this accomplished. It had been a while since I worked two full days in a row so I go home exhausted and fell right to sleep. I got in an hour nap and I feel rested. I just wish…

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  • What A Day

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve worked a full day and I am exhausted beyond all reason. I picked up a two day job for a market research study. I cannot go beyond that because I signed a non-disclosure agreement. But I am not used to working and focusing like this. Well, at least…

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  • Thinking About The Future

    I’ve been doing a fair amount of thinking today; mostly about the future and my future. I’m still feeling really excited about potentially meeting this girl that my friend connected me with. She continues to impress me and she has both compassion and empathy which is rare these days. She understands that mental illness and…

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  • Unmotivated Today

    As the title reads, I am feeling really unmotivated today. I don’t feel like doing anything except sleeping and maybe reading. I don’t feel physically real great either so there’s that. I know that I really want to be doing some studying towards obtaining my Red Hat certification but I am still reading the same…

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