What A Day
Read more: What A DayIt’s been quite a while since I’ve worked a full day and I am exhausted beyond all reason. I picked up a two day job for a market research study. I cannot go beyond that because I signed a non-disclosure agreement. But I am not used to working and focusing like this. Well, at least…
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Thinking About The Future
Read more: Thinking About The FutureI’ve been doing a fair amount of thinking today; mostly about the future and my future. I’m still feeling really excited about potentially meeting this girl that my friend connected me with. She continues to impress me and she has both compassion and empathy which is rare these days. She understands that mental illness and…
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Unmotivated Today
Read more: Unmotivated TodayAs the title reads, I am feeling really unmotivated today. I don’t feel like doing anything except sleeping and maybe reading. I don’t feel physically real great either so there’s that. I know that I really want to be doing some studying towards obtaining my Red Hat certification but I am still reading the same…
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Feeling Like A Teenager Again
Read more: Feeling Like A Teenager AgainSo a friend of mine introduced me to his friend, a girl he knew in high school and is friends with on Facebook. They were never an item but friends. I’ve been talking to her now for about three weeks and she’s really growing on me. Our conversations are usually pretty deep and meaningful. The…
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Mastodon On Podman
Read more: Mastodon On PodmanToday I am really proud of myself for having gotten Mastodon operational on Podman. I wanted a challenge and I wanted to get off of Docker because I don’t like Docker’s attitude towards open source. Furthermore, Docker is not as secure as Podman because Podman runs rootless by default. Below is how I got it…
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America Has Slums
Read more: America Has SlumsRobert Kiyosaki, the (in)famous author of Rich Dad Poor Dad has recently warned that America has slums. I simply want to respond to him with dripping sarcasm, “No shit, Sherlock!” Maybe it’s because in America we blame and punish the poor. In America, poverty is ironically very expensive. The poor pay more for basic goods…
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Gavin Newsom Makes Me So Angry
Read more: Gavin Newsom Makes Me So AngryGavin Newsom, governor of California, just issued an executive order to remove homeless encampments throughout the state. He states, “This executive order directs state agencies to move urgently to address dangerous encampments while supporting and assisting the individuals living in them — and provides guidance for cities and counties to do the same.” This makes…
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Frustration With Social Security
Read more: Frustration With Social SecurityLet me be perfectly blunt: my local Social Security office is all fouled up! It badly needs some oversight to come from Washington, D.C. Today, I actually had to fight with the representative to look over my record to see that my Social Security Disability Insurance is out of provisional status and in to what…
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Efforts In Vain Today
Read more: Efforts In Vain TodayToday learning just is not going to happen. I cannot seem to muster the focus necessary to engage in any learning even though it is a topic that I am very interested in, i.e. Linux. I am finding myself reading the same paragraph over and over. When that happens, it’s best just to put the…
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A Realization Has Hit
Read more: A Realization Has HitUnfortunately, web development is not going to be a practical path for me and I am okay with it. As I get deeper into the material, I am only getting more and more confused. I am confused to the point where I don’t even know how to get started on the project assigned and my…
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